- This jig is suitable for the AGB Eclipse 3.2 range, including the 3.2 HD Concealed Hinge and 3.2 HD SELF Concealed Hinge, providing that the correct depth is drilled/routed out for.
- Use the 2 above cutters as follows: Use the smallcutter for the initial cut on both depths, and then go full depth with the larger cutter. Alternatively, for ease, the smaller cutter can be used only to drill out to full depth with a 22/23mm flat or Forstner bit.
- Indicator is centred and then has 3mm offset either direction.
- Made with additive manufacturing, nylon PA12. Can be repaired with 2-part wood filler if damaged by the router bit, but it also won’t damage the router bit if this happens.
- Comes with the jig and 2 inserts. Atlantic UK recommend that this is only used on new doors and doors frames.
- Suitable for doors that are 35mm and upward, and with frame rebates that are no more than 12mm deep.